Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 7 "The Reason for Everything"

The reason for everything is God.  God created all.  But do we give him thanks or praise him for all he has given for us?  Do we live like God is first in our hearts and minds? I know I don't.  This chapter talked about Gods five purposes for your life.  The five are 1.) To bring glory by worshiping him, 2.) Bringing glory to God by loving other believers, 3.) We bring God Glory by becoming like Christ, 4.) Bring God glory by serving others with our gifts, and 5.) We bring God glory by telling others about him. Living solely for God will require some changes, or in my case lots of changes.. But that is OK I am ready to change for God.  Of the five purposes above number four will come most easily to me. I get a true happy heart helping or serving others.  I try to serve at church as much as possible.  The joy comes to me when people smile back and acknowledge that someone took the time to say hi and notice them.  So much of our life is geared toward protecting ourselves from everything and everyone we have lost the people connection.  I love watching my son interact with people.  He has no blinders on he see the good in everyone.  He like to learn new things about them and make them laugh.  He can light up a room with his smile and laugh.  I am really looking forward to learning about the other four purposes and how I can use then to glorify God.  I think this is going to be a fun ride.

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