Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 9 "What makes God Smile"

So when does God smile?  Well God smiles when we trust him completely.  How do we do this we let go and and give home control.  We parents forget sometime to let go and follow instruction.  Just as we get angry at our children when they do not do as we ask, God is for sure to get angry with us when we do not do what he ask.  This does not mean he no longer loves us.  He just has to help us get back on track.  By having an open relationship with God we can avoid some of these pit falls and stay on the right track.  God smiles when we Obey him with all our heart.  if you read the story of Noah in the bible, God asked him to do some outlandish things for that day.  But did Noah ask his friend what to do?  Did he tell God he would think it over and get back to him?  Did he just forget about it and hope God would forget as well?  No he took it on the shoulders and followed Gods word, with every detail.  Was he mocked and ridiculed?  Of course but so were all of Jesus's followers and I am sure glad they didn't quit.  We need to be better at following Gods word, and his direction.  God smiles when we praise and thank him continually.  I know for my self on of my love languages is kinda words or words of affection.  This means that telling me when I have done good or pleased you means more to me than receiving a gift, or a pat on the back.  I get great joy knowing I pleased someone.  So why is it so hard for us to tell God he has pleased us.  and this should not just be when our life is good and things are going great.  I lost a job last year that I had worked for 10.5 years.  I was sad when I was let go.  But I thanked God for forcing me to leave a bad situation that was not for me.   This has allowed me to move on to a new job that is a much better fit for me.  I am blessed that God cared that much about me.

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